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    PA Tax Crushers

    Lower your property taxes with confidence

    Welcome to PA Tax Crushers – your dedicated ally in navigating the complexities of property tax assessments in Pennsylvania. Are you paying more in property taxes than you should? It's a question many homeowners don't even realize they should be asking, but the answer could save you thousands.

    At PA Tax Crushers, we specialize in identifying overassessed properties and streamlining the appeal process to correct tax assessments. Our expertise lies in meticulously analyzing property values and tax assessments, ensuring you only pay what's fair. No jargon, no confusion, just clear, straightforward guidance and support.
    Curious about how much you could save? Our Property Tax Calculator is a great place to start. It's quick, user-friendly, and can unveil potential overpayments in just a few clicks.

    Why wait and risk overpaying? Take the first step towards financial relief and fair taxation. Browse our site to understand how we can serve you, and when you're ready, reach out for a no-obligation consultation. This isn't just about correcting figures; it's about ensuring justice in taxation and putting money back where it belongs – in your pocket.

    Calculator Instructions

    1. Find your property's tax assessed value Navigate to the website and enter your home's address into the search box. Once the property information populates, click the "home details" tab. Scroll down to the area labeled "price and tax history". Your home's tax assessment will be listed under the current year. Enter this assessment number into the box labeled "current assessment" on the below calculator.

    3. Utilize the drop down boxes labeled "County" and "Municipality" on the calculator below. Enter the County and Municipality where your home is located. Accurately selecting the correct information will allow the calculator to utilize your local tax rates to be able to calculate your potential savings.

    2. Enter the purchase price (or estimated value of your home if you didn't recently purchase) into the box labeled "Purchase Price of Home" on the calculator below.

    4. Once all information is accurately entered into the calculator, click the "Calculate" button. The system will provide the results within the right column of the calculator. The potential savings line will show how much your taxes should be if your home was being taxed based on the value that the home was purchased for. If the result is a negative number, that means that your taxes should actually be higher, and an appeal would not be beneficial.


    Montgomery County Homeowner

    “The team at PA Tax Crushers made our appeal extremely simple and the results far exceeded our expectations”

    • How did you get my information?
      The sale of property is public record in the State of Pennsylvania. We review all real estate transactions to identify the properties that are being overtaxed. If you received information from us, our records indicate you just purchased the home and the amount you paid is less than the value the county taxes your property at.
    • How do you determine if my property is over-assessed?
      As licensed real estate professionals, we review all reported home sales on the MLS and compare every property to their associated tax assessed values. When we find properties where a discrepancy exists, we evaluate the tax savings potential if an appeal was filed. Homeowners that recently purchased their homes have the best likelihood of a successful appeal.
    • How is my home taxed?
      The property taxing process begins when the county tax assessor determines your home's taxable value. In Pennsylvania, the taxable value of a home is a percentage of its "actual value"—basically, what the home would sell for on the open market.
    • How long does a property tax appeal typically take?
      The deadline for Tax Appeals is August 1 of each year. Tax appeal hearings begin in the Spring every year, and continue to take place through the end of the year. Results of the appeal hearing will be reflected in the following years taxes.
    • Do I need to be present during the assessment appeal process?
      Tax Assessment Appeals are a legal proceeding that takes place in front of members from the Board of Assessment Appeals. PA Tax Crushers partner attorney handles the actual proceeding so that you do not need to be present. PA Tax Crushers provides the attorney and covers all attorney fees as part of the service.
    • How often should I consider reassessing my property tax?
      Homeowners should continue to monitor their county's common level ratio as it adjusts yearly. Common level ratios are updated yearly at the following link: Common Level Ratios ( Once you know the common level ratio, multiply the ratio by your homes tax assessed value. The result of this calculation is the amount that the county is taxing your property based on. If this figure is greater than your actual home is worth, it would be worth considering an assessment appeal.
    • Are there any potential risks in appealing my property tax?
      When an appeal hearing takes place, the county considers all information provided to adjust the property's tax assessed value. The county could raise the tax assessed value if proof provided deemed that the property is worth more than currently assessed. PA Tax Crushers and our attorney evaluates all factors in terms of a home's tax assessed value and the market value of a home. If the tax appeal is not appear beneficial to the homeowner, we would not recommend moving forward.
    • What distinguishes PA Tax Crushers from other property tax appeal services?
      There are many law firms that handle tax assessment appeals when they are approached by potential clients. At PA Tax Crushers, unlike law firms, we are real estate professionals versed in current market values and seeking out homeowners that are being unfairly taxed. We handle all of the tasks for our clients and work alongside our partner attorney to provide maximum results for our clients.

    Contact Us

    3256 Miller Road, Pennsburg, PA 18073  |  Tel: 215-290-4381

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